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The delivery North to Charleston
May 08, 2002


Ocean Planet, on the Way to Charleston…at 8:20 Atlantic (5:20 Pacific) time.

Last night was AWESOME!! Flying along on a crystal clear night with sparkling islands on both sides, we quickly left Antigua over the horizon. Reaching along at 12-14 kts in 12-17 kts of warm wind, we watched the lights of tiny, mountainous nations slide by, with the occasional shooting star thrown in for good measure. The sky was clear enough to see the silhouette of most of the islands against the stars. 

We left Falmouth Harbor at about 5:30 p.m. yesterday, and are now about 170 miles away just about to pass the last of the Virgin Islands (Anegada) on our left.

Present position is 18 42N, 64 09W, course 320 at 12.5kts. 

USA, here we come!


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