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Ocean Planet/USA 05 Update from Bruce Schwab:
Friday, June 25, 2004 

Matching Grant by Kevin and Shauna Flanigan met!

Ocean Planet to officially enter Vendee Globe by June 30 deadline!

Whew, that was close.

We’ve met the matching grant offered by Kevin & Shauna Flanigan of Portland, Oregon! It was needed by today to guarantee that we would meet a number of immediate expenses, including sending the Vendee race entry deposits. We are wiring the deposits to France today.

There are many other big bills coming, like our new boom, new sails, upgraded communication and video equipment, securing our shore crew until November . . . . and the list goes on. But one hurdle at a time.

Thanks too all of our recent contributors over the last month (including matching grants)!!

Kevin and Shauna Flanigan
James Caspi
Andrew Roberts
Julie Lucchesi
Chuck and Gerlinde Bowen
Scott Fox/The Boathouse
Terry Mckelvey & Heli Roiha
Hank Grandin
Andy Vavalotis
Ashley Perrin
Dennis Chapman
Aaron Ross
Roger Wise
Judson and Barbara Kovalak
Frank Slootman
Chris Johnson
Peter Galindo
Joe Caserta/Mary Bayer
Mark and Sara Risso
Michael Borgerding
Kirk Miller and Sachi Itagaki
Mike Amirault
Ed Corbett
David Cassidy (THAT David Cassidy?)
Lee Parsons
Bob and Ellamary Thorpe
Frank & Jo Ann Kinney Browning
Paul Goldberg
George & Megan Ford
Matthew Coale
Torin Tofferi
Roland O’Brien

Pretty impressive, eh? No one is more amazed than I am.

We still have a long way to go to be competitive in the Vendee and to build our education program, so please spread the word for Ocean Planet.

Deck is being painted today!

Launching on July 14th! 


Bruce Schwab, Skipper
USA 05/Ocean Planet


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