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Ocean Planet/USA 05 Update from Bruce Schwab:
Friday, July 16, 2004

 What a day!

What a day Wednesday, July 14th was. Ocean Planet floats again!

Two great stories by two great writers tell the story here (thanks to Mainetoday.com!):
By Jerry Harkavy: http://news.mainetoday.com/apwire/D83QO8CG0-195.shtml
By Glenn Jordan: http://sports.mainetoday.com/local/stories/040715oceanplanet.shtml

Here are some pics:

New keel unveiled:

Honorable Maine Governor John Baldacci speaks while Phin Sprague stands by:


In the slings:


She floats! More about our new bow, and a not-so-secret sailing website, soon:


Then it was time for a ride on the train!


Stay tuned.

Bruce Schwab, Skipper
USA 05/Ocean Planet


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