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Ocean Planet Report
Monday, November 25, 2002 1230gmt
Pos: 36 29S, 06 56E Heading 060T @ 9kts
Wind ESE @ 8kts 


Never mind racing other boats. Right now we’re pushing hard just to avoid getting swallowed by a forming high pressure zone. Right on the edge of it the wind has headed us and gone light. It has picked up a bit and the wind angle slightly improved in the last couple hours, which gives me hope that we won’t get stuck. In these conditions, Ocean Planet is lethal, but of course there’s no one to race but the weather right now! I’m pushing the limit of the light genoa since the working jib is out of commission. I hope I don’t hurt it, but time really counts now as there’s going be a LOT to do in Cape Town!

The beautiful looking weather belies the stress it causes, as it is incredibly clear and sunny. There were a few clouds last night making for a gorgeous sunset, and today I climbed a little way up the rig and took a few shots. 

Tomorrow: The winners of “The Sunny Side of the Ocean” equator guitar tune recognition contest!

A sailin bum in the sun,


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