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Ocean Planet Report
Tuesday, November 26, 2002 1400gmt
Pos: 34 53S, 11 06E Heading 72T @ 10kts, w
Wind SE @ 20kts


Big nasty waves at the moment, making it difficult to type! Long drops followed by hard landings . . .

But it’s still sunny, so we are still on “The Sunny Side of the Ocean.” A while back we had a little contest to see who knew the (late) author of this tune, who also happens to be one of my favorite guitarists. It is none other than the unusual but gifted Mr. John Fahey. The intelligent, esteemed and altogether astute followers of Ocean Planet who correctly named Mr. Fahey will be invited on a “John Fahey Memorial Sail and Guitar Party” sometime after we return to Newport for the finish of the Around Alone! That may be a long way off, but it’s worth looking forward to.

In rough order of response, here are the winners:
Howie Hammerman
Betty Schmidt
Serge Martial
Erik Simonson
Rob MacFarlane
Elisa Williams
Catherine & Russ Otto
Judy Blumhorst
Guy Wilson
Carl Miller
Corey Christopher
Frank Sacken
Gary B. Richard
Lee Dick Bagley
Janet Frankel – IYC Staff Commodore
Robert Neal
David Kendig
Bob aka K38Bob Jack Joslin
Ken Pimentel
Carl Mischka
Paul Sinz
Jay Jacks
Nick Alexander
Rolling Stone Magazine.. (not really -ed.)

Of course we can’t all fit on the boat at once, but we’ll work something out!

By the way, we should arrive in Cape Town late tomorrow or early Thanksgiving morning.

BaCk TO tHe rOLler CoAsteR rIDe,


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