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Ocean Planet Report
Ocean Planet Around Alone Log
Sunday, Sept. 22, 2002
From 47 15N, 37 43W, at 1300 GMT
Yikes!! As if we hadn’t had enough fun, the low pressure that has been proving this breeze is going to turn and head south across our path. The race is on to pass underneath it before then or we will get a major pounding of heavy north and northeasterlies. Of course I don’t need any convincing to move along. I hope to get to Torbay as soon as possible and fix this boat up, but there is a still long way to go, a good 1,300 miles straight which will be more like 1,500 in reality.
On a good note, competitor Graham Dalton on Hexagon has offered to have his shore crew help me out in Torbay, thanks Graham! He says he’d rather beat me on the water than on the shore…now that’s competitive spirit! I’ve seen his guys in action and they are tops.
Keep your fingers crossed for the whole fleet, especially the 40’s and 50’s that are further back, they might be facing a tough time. My mentor, Brad Van Liew on Tommy Hilfiger, is not far behind and looks the best positioned. Not surprising as he knows what he’s doing out here. Brad is the only one entered that did the last race in 98/99 when he was on Balance Bar. He sent me some great words of support yesterday when he heard of my busted boom, which helped my spirits.
Anyway, here’s what things look like today….