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Ocean Planet Report
Saturday, November 9, 2002 1240 gmt
Lat: 01,34.40s Lon: 025,42.12w
I spoke too soon on being clear of the rain and wind vacuums. Apparently Neptune didn’t like his scotch (or he wanted more?), dealing me 3 hours of light rain, mist, and no wind last night, or really, early this a.m. I guess that is what I get for assuming. Today is pretty, with some puffy clouds that are fairly benign, but are causing some wind shifting. Just keep adjusting and tweaking trying to keep the big girl rollin.
Many correct guessers of the composer of my guitar tune to Neptune. I look forward to a group tribute sail to this late, great, guitar music composer when back in the U.S. A hint for those still wonderin – he passed away in Portland, Oregon just last year.
Perhaps Neptune wanted me to stay and play some more?