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Ocean Planet Report
Ocean Planet Qualifier Update
July 4, 2002


Not a bad feeling, to be at sea on an American Open 60, on Independence day. It is absolutely gorgeous out, not too hot and clear. Although the wind is light and the sailing isn’t super thrilling, it is very satisfying to be able to slide along at 8+ knots in 6 kts of wind. Ocean Planet is fantastic to sail solo in these conditions, and what a ride it has been the past two years to get here. 

The Azores port of Horta on the island of Faial is now 407 miles away which seems close after going 2000 so far from Charleston. I should be able to spend a couple days looking around there before a few supporting crew arrive on the 10th to help me sail to Newport. Now that I’ve gotten used to being on board myself it is going to mighty crowded with crew!

The past couple days have been really easy; hardly ever touching the sheets, plenty of napping, and some good reading. I’ve been re-reading one of my favorite books of my youth, “The Dog Who Wouldn’t Be” by Farley Mowat. I highly recommend it along with “The Boat Who Wouldn’t Float,” both are true stories and are hilarious. The freighters going by must be wondering where all the laughing is coming from….

I also recommend the Nexus instruments and the Doyle sails you’ll see in the attached pics. That big roach main is SURE nice when it’s light like today!

Happy Fourth of July!

Go Lance Armstrong! (In the Tour de France.)



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