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Ocean Planet in the Around Alone – Update
Tuesday, January 14, 2003 1330 gmt
Position: 35 59S, 174 51E
I have been very busy these past 48 hours. The ocean has been very nasty at times with a lot of hard landings. I have been trying to work lifts off shore since handicapped on starboard without ballast tank, so I have had very little sleep. I was putting in the third reef this morning when the fourth batten came out (screws holding end on fell out), and I had to lower the sail most of the way, climb part way up and pull out 20 feet of batten without dropping it in the drink. Also, a couple of mystery leaks have been added to my projects.
What I have seen of NZ is very beautiful. I need to finish this leg and set foot on it.
Need to get back to sailing as I am driving much of the time now. I also need a snorkel.
If you noticed our website down it is because we have a new web address: http://ww.everyocean.com/oceanplanet. More about this later. We will be joining up with everyocean.com to work together to bring sailing news and how to help look after every ocean on the ocean planet….
Dodging islands in Hauraki Gulf,
Bruce and Ocean Planet